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Forum Posts

Jelly tots
Oct 09, 2022
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
The chocksgoaway team are happy to inform you that the planning application for the Little Mongeham Airfield is on the agenda for the planning meeting at Dover District Council Whitfield on Thursday 13th October. We will be lobbying outside from 16.30hrs onwards until the meeting start at 18.00hrs. Please attend if possible to let the Councillors know how strongly the community objects to this application. A big turnout will certainly help. Please pass on the word to your friends and neighbours. Placards will be available to help get our message across. Thank you all for your continued support.....
Jelly tots
Jun 27, 2022
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
Latest on go fund content media
Jelly tots
Jan 29, 2022
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!  content media
Jelly tots
Oct 24, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
THANK YOU! To all the businesses that donated a prize to help us raise more funds. Thank you to you, the supporters that purchased a ticket. Thank you to all the chocksgoaway helpers for selling the tickets. Thank you to all the supporters that packed out the hall and listened to our chairman and planning consultant. Thank you to everyone involved in setting up the Northbourne parish Hall. EVERYONE! we raised £3000 and more....we got this ....
Jelly tots
Oct 21, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
We have sold nearly 2500 raffle tickets! Please go on the and pay for your tickets, email me with contact details and I will send numbers . You may be able to buy at the event on Saturday, but no guarantees. We now have 23 businesses from Deal High Street and surrounding areas who have donated amazing prizes. Don't leave it too late....
Jelly tots
Oct 18, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
This Saturday at Northbourne Parish Hall please join us between 4pm-6pm to meet the committee and our speaker. We will be updating you on various subjects and not forgetting the amazing prize draw! Get your ticket now as running out...hope to see you all on Saturday Linda ( chocksgoaway treasurer)
Jelly tots
Sep 21, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
Chocksgoaway 1st event. See you there.  content media
Jelly tots
Sep 18, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
Update on awareness/fundraising event  content media
Jelly tots
Jun 25, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
Just to be clear content media
Jelly tots
Jun 23, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
The campaign is not over, it's just beginning. Our banners/placards/boards have unlawfully been removed, but they can easily be replaced and they will over the next few days. The perpetrators will be caught because we are all keeping our eyes peeled, cctv, cameras, word of mouth. All incidents have been reported to police, so keep us posted on your sign, the signs that hundreds of donators have paid for, keep spreading the word, keep em peeled....
Jelly tots
Jun 05, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
What a great day. Online petition at nearly 1000. Deal High Street at 500 Door to door locals at 400+. DDC planning app objections are through the roof. There is one big difference though, WE ARE LOCAL RESIDENTS. The majority of the people supporting the airfield don't live in this country ! If chocsgoaway started to lobby all our friends and relatives who live outside of England , then am sure we would be triple our objections . So a big thank you to All the people who objected, and to think they called us country bumkins, I don't think so. We are real people, with real concerns, we have lives, we have jobs, we have feelings, we have values, we are a large community that say 'NO TO MONGEHAM AIRFIELD '.
Jelly tots
Jun 04, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
Chocksgoaway was all set to have a two way debate with the developers tomorrow, but the developers declined. We were so looking forward to be 'put right ' on all our ill-informed information that the flyers forum insist that we are giving out to the public. They DECLINED because they know we are right, and have very good reason to oppose this airfield. I do believe after the debate with one of the developers at a PC meeting, He struggled to come up with any real positives for our community, he did manage one for himself though, ' he loves flying '. Engaging with the community or a few of the chocksgoaway committee seems to be a big problem for the developers...I wonder why...
Jelly tots
Jun 02, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
Hey everyone, well done on the petition front, we have nearly 1000 signatures on here, plus over 400 from Deal High Street, plus( yet to count) our locals and of course the recieved objections on the DDC planning application 21/00626 standing at well over 600!!...and the Developers (pilots) called us a tiny group of people, I think NOT...If you haven't yet objected, you have got until Monday 7th June...
Jelly tots
May 28, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
See you all on Deal High Street tomorrow from 9am to 3pm...come say hi...the developers keep saying " the small people objecting " tiny group of people..meaning chocsgoaway...we are big...very BIG...IN FACT ...100'S...see you on the High Street...facts...we have facts...loads of facts...
Jelly tots
May 23, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
Hello people of chocksgoaway, we, the team will be on the streets of Deal again on Saturday 29th May, handing out leaflets and asking for signatures. We will also be engaging in any questions or concerns you may have about the proposed planning application. AWARENESS is key. Anyone who wishes to be involved with our day from 9am to 3pm, an hour or 2, would be most appreciated. Come say hi, it would be great to see you All....
Jelly tots
May 22, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
2 hours on Deal High Street and 102 signatures of support! Thank you Deal your support is amazing 👏
Jelly tots
May 15, 2021
Can you see the trees to the left? That's where the airstrip is, right there... content media
Jelly tots
Apr 20, 2021
In Say no to Mongeham airfield!
More footpath bedlam from yesterday  content media

Jelly tots

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