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3,750 flights a year!


Great News!

The recent appeal made by the applicants hoping to establish an airfield in Mongeham has been dismissed.


This is absolutely wonderful news for the many hundreds of people across our communities who have donated to and supported our campaign against the proposal. A huge thank you to every single one of you, because this simply would not have happened without your determined support.


A breakdown of the Inspector's key findings will be made available over the coming days but until then you may want to download and read the full report from the DDC Planning portal.


For now, at least, we can finally say that the chocks have gone away!

Thank you again for your incredible support.

Best wishes,

The Chocks-Go-Away Team.

An appeal has been lodged!

Dear Members and Supporters,


The applicants are appealing the DDC decision to refuse planning consent for the proposed airfield at Little Mongeham.


While this will be very disappointing news for the many hundreds of local people who opposed the airfield, it was not unexpected and we’ve been busy preparing for this outcome with our team of consultants.


You can find out more and keep up with further developments here on our dedicated Appeal Update page.



Chocks-Go-Away Team

Previous news

We did it!

On Thursday 13th October, Dover District Council delivered their decision regarding the proposed airfield in Little Mongeham, refusing planning consent.

This was the result Chocks Go Away campaigned so tirelessly for.


The event was attended in large numbers by members and supporters from all affected parishes and addressed by representatives speaking on behalf of the applicants and Chocks Go Away teams.

The importance of this result cannot be overstated as there was so much at stake for our homes, communities, environment, wildlife and tranquility.

Of course this campaign could not have succeeded without the incredible donations, help and support of so many people from across our parishes - thank you!

It must be noted that the applicants may decide to appeal the decision. If they do we need to be ready to ensure that they do not succeed so please, bookmark this page, visit our website and keep in touch. We will update you as soon as we know more.

Thank you,

The Chocks Go Away Committee.

Please read this.
A formal planning application for an airstrip on the land between Willow Woods Road, Little Mongeham and Mill Lane / Coulson Grove, Northbourne has been submitted to DDC.

The application includes a runway, helipad, 2 aircraft hangars for 20 aircraft, flight office and wc, workshop / plant storage building, 10 glamping pods, associated parking and a vehicular access track.


Click here to visit the Dover District Council website where you can view the application and leave a comment. 

The impact this application will have

on the area's countryside, local businesses and hundreds of residents will be considerable, so please lobby

your MP, District Councillors and Parish Council if you wish to object to it.

Click below to lobby:

Northbourne Parish Council

Sutton by Dover Parish Council

Great Mongeham Parish Council

Click here to lobby your District Councillor


Lobby your MP, Natalie Elphicke:

Listen to the facts

Listen to the key points discussed by campaigners, Linda and Paul on Deal Radio. Starts 14 mins into the broadcast.

Yesterday the consultancy appointed by DDC Environmental Health to assess the noise implications of the proposed airfield published their report which concluded that the proposals are likely to result in a loss of amenity for local residents and result in adverse effects on health and quality of life. They further concluded that there would also be an impact on the noted tranquillity of the area (something which planning policy requires DDC to ensure is preserved and enhanced).

This is a very major setback for the applicant! read more...

Join the conversation

Visit our Forum and share the news and views and get the latest on our campaign.

Be heard!

Add your voice to the objection by signing this petition to the

Dover District Council planning department set up by the Dover and Deal Green Party.




If you would like to help spread the word or find out more,

please email

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